How can I work at Batavia Stad Fashion Outlet?
Hoe kan ik in contact komen met een specifieke winkel?
Is Batavia stad pet-friendly?
What are the opening hours?
How does the Fashion Club work?
How do I become a Fashion Club Member?
What are the terms and conditions of the Fashion Club?
How can I view or change my personal data?
I forgot my Fashion Club card, how do I get a new one?
My Fashion Club card is stolen, what do I need to do?
When does the Fashion Club credit expire?
How do I check my Fashion Club balance?
What can I use my saved Fashion Club balance for?
Can I redeem my Fashion Club balance at restaurants?
Can I exchange or return purchases on which I have redeemed Fashion Club balance?
How can I cancel my Fashion Club membership?
What does Batavia Stad Fashion Outlet do with my personal data?
What stores participate in the Fashion Club?
How can I submit a complaint?
How do I submit an external complaint?
What happens after I have submitted a complaint?
After submitting my complaint, when can I expect a response?